If you’re a breastfeeding parent, finding a pump which works for you can be a game-changer. Whether you are just occasionally expressing for an evening away from your baby or you are exclusively pumping round-the-clock, we have something for you.
Why do I need a breast pump?
Breast pumps are useful if there will ever be any time where you aren’t able to breastfeed your baby. This might be because you are returning to work or going away for the weekend or you might simply want to take a break from night feeds and let your partner step in to care for your little one. Even if you are planning to exclusively breastfeed, having a pump can be handy for helping you to build up your milk supply in the early days of parenting. Expressing small amounts of milk can also help provide relief if your breasts become engorged and swollen, which can be painful.
What is the difference between manual and electric breast pump?
A manual breast pump requires no power supply or batteries to express your milk. Instead, they work by pumping a handle, which creates a vacuum to stimulate the flow of milk from your breast. Manual pumps tend to be very affordable and portable and are ideal if you only plan to express occasionally.
Electric pumps are either battery-powered or mains-operated and tend to be more powerful than manual pumps. Powered by a motor, these pumps have a cycle which aims to recreate the sucking action of a baby to express your milk. You can choose between double or single pumps. If you are feeding twins or plan to exclusively express, a double pump is likely to be more effective as you can express from both breasts at the same time.
All breast pumps work on the same principle – a breast shield goes over your nipple and areola, creating a seal and triggering your natural let-down reflex so your body releases milk. Once you have collected your expressed milk, it can be kept in the fridge for up to two days or stored in the freezer.
For more informations, please visit www.sejoygroup.com