Measuring a person’s temperature can be done in several ways. One method to measure a person’s surface temperature is with the use of non-contact infrared thermometers (NCITs). NCITs may be used to reduce cross-contamination risk and minimize the risk of spreading disease .
Benefits of NCITs
- Non-contact approach may reduce the risk of spreading disease between people being evaluated
- Easy to use
- Easy to clean and disinfect
- Measures temperature and displays a reading rapidly
- Provides ability to retake a temperature quickly
Although they have been broadly used, a large number of the public still know nothing about how to use them. there are some helpful tips for you to better use your infrared thermometer.
Make Sure You’ve Got the Right Infrared Thermometer
Prior to using an infrared thermometer for measuring the body temperature, all you need to do is make sure you have the medical infrared thermometer in hand instead of the industrial type . An infrared thermometer designed for industrial applications and domestic use isn’t appropriate for detecting the human body temperature. This is because it has an accuracy tolerance of nearly ± 2°C/3.5°F due to its much bigger temperature range.
Make Sure Your Infrared Thermometer Is Clean and Dry
Before entering into the temperature detecting process, make sure the infrared thermometer is free of dirt, dust, frost, moisture, and smoke. Keeping the thermometer clean and dry is in favor of getting accurate temperature reading since infrared thermometers are easily affected by moisture and dirt.
Keep the Infrared Thermometer Close to the Target
While reading the manual, you must notify the distance-to-spot ratio of your thermometer. Distance-to-spot ratio is the surface area being able to be detected compared to the distance taken from the target. As a rule of thumb, the closer you are to the target, the smaller the measurable surface area is, thus the more accurate the measurement.
Choose the Right Mode Among the Basic Functions
Nowadays, the majority of infrared thermometers for medical use are powered with multifunctional settings to meet the variety of user needs and preferences such as real time clock , object mode , memory mode , C/F switch,voice. You should choose the forehead mode before the detecting.
If you also have any confusion, keep reading to find the step-by-step instructions of how to properly use an infrared thermometer for body temperature measurement.Take the example of our model: DET-306 infrared thermometer