In our daily life, more and more people prefer to monitor their blood pressure at home as hypertension is a chronic disease. Home use digital blood pressure monitors are more and more popular. How to choose home use bp apparatus? Wrist vs arm blood pressure monitor, which one will be better?
Actually, wrist and arm type digital blood pressure monitors are safe and accurate and they have their own advantages.
Wrist type blood pressure monitor advantages:
- The compact design makes it is easy to transfer and carry on business trip.
- The wrist blood pressure monitor and cuff are all-in-one design makes measurement easy and fast.
- The cost of wrist bp monitor will be lower than arm type models.
- You do not need to take off your clothes when using wrist blood pressure monitors.
Arm type blood pressure monitor advantages:
- Large LCD makes your reading easy and clear.
- Arm type blood pressure monitor is suitable for the elderly and people with blood circulation disorder or weak pulse.
- Arm type blood pressure monitor can correctly measure arterial blood pressure with a regulated power supply. In the process of measurement, you must take off your shirt for measurement. The arm is close to our heart, with small error, so the measurement is more accurate.
- Since the measurement positions of wrist type and arm type are different, there are also requirements for the measured population. Relatively speaking, the elderly and people with blood circulation disorders or weak pulse are suitable to choose arm type blood pressure monitor.
- Now arm band integrated blood pressure monitors are developed and applied to our daily life.
You can choose a suitable one for you as per your need. Joytech Healthcare has tens of models of blood pressure monitors for your option.