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How long to pump breast milk?

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Breast pumping is a great option for all women and it’s a wonderful invention for working women. This technique helps women provide their children with breast milk when they cannot feed directly from their breasts. Learn the basics of pumping breast milk and get tips on pumping so it goes more smoothly when you start here.

In the early stages of Pumping ,many novice mother have the question: how long to pump breast milk ?

Actually, You may have heard to breastfeed your baby “on demand.” It sounds simple enough, but in the early days, that may mean tanking up baby every couple hours, both day and night. but in fact , the time for feeding is different from woman to woman. A general rule is around 15 minutes on each breast. Later, after your milk has “come in” abundantly, you should continue pumping past when the milk stops to flow for one to two minutes. The last droplets of milk contain the highest levels of fat, which provides the greatest calories.

One more, Most mothers find that pumping every 2-3 hours maintains their milk supply and does not cause them to become uncomfortably full.

Our Breast Pump LD-202 ,with the powerful motor ,10 suction level optional , make you pumping time more easier.

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